(+61) 0437432823 (office)
(+61) 0437432823 (mobile)
PO Box 1002, Denmark, WA 6333
Winner Of Three Government Awards
Currently exporting to Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, India Fiji, NZ, UK.

swish fish fertiliser

Swish Fish Fertiliser
Our natural organic swish fish fertiliser – Suitable for all lawns and plants. Produces unbelievable results very quickly without chemicals. With or without fish oil.

A soil food rather than a plant food, it contains many small amounts of the trace elements and fish proteins which enables the soil to unlock nutrients already present in the soil and makes them more readily available to the plant, this enables the plant to grow on strongly with vigour, resist pests and disease.
  • It helps to increase biological activity and nutrient release in the soil
  • Increase earthworm activity
  • Improves the efficiency of other fertilisers and helps to rapidly breakdown crop residues
Available and sold as a liquid by the litre, this liquid fertilizer is suitable for all living plants including trees, shrubs, roses, natives, lawns and crops

Fish fertiliser farmer success  story

Last spring two neighbours re-seeded their lawns. Now it is summer, one has a beautiful, lush thick green lawn as perfect as the best golf course in the country—a lawn to be truly proud of. His neighbour however has a completely different lawn, one that is covered in brown patches; with a very uneven texture that contained nut and onion grass and weeds fighting for territory through the odd blade of grass. Both neighbours prepared their soils; both used the same type of grass seed. Both neighbours regularly watered their lawns well, So what made the difference? Our natural organic WILD SWISH FISH FERTILIZER, that was all!