(+61) 0437432823 (office)
(+61) 0437432823 (mobile)
PO Box 1002, Denmark, WA 6333
Winner Of Three Government Awards
Currently exporting to Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, India Fiji, NZ, UK.

Soil Inoculants

For hundreds of years, scientific studies have shown that soil probiotics/inoculants (mycorrhizas) provide many benefits to plant growth, soil condition and the environment, but its only recently become available in commercially available easy to use powder or liquid.

These soil inoculants help plants to grow. The tiny spores germinate when in DIRECT contact with plants roots, which allows the roots to grow long filaments (hyphae) and increases the plants ability to take up nutrients and water.

Available in powder and liquid forms, sold by the kilo or litre.
Soil Inoculants
Soil Inoculants
Soil Inoculants
Soil Inoculants