(+61) 0437432823 (office)
(+61) 0437432823 (mobile)
PO Box 1002, Denmark, WA 6333
Winner Of Three Government Awards
Currently exporting to Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, India Fiji, NZ, UK.

dust relief


AT LAST………..a long term environmentally friendly COST EFFECTIVE solution NEW to Australia has arrived. An easily applied nano (ultra small) particle technology blended with leading edge dispersing technology allows for a better material penetration and compaction.

How much is DUST really costing your farm?

Our odourless liquid mixes easily in water and brings a long lasting dust suppressed surface to your yard, road or track, that requires minimal ongoing maintenance. In many cases applications can last up to 9 months, depending on environmental conditions.
  • Environmentally friendly.
  • No specialised equipment required.
  • Can be blended or topically applied.
  • Cost effective.
  • Easy to use.
  • Long lasting finished surface.
  • Eliminates the requirement for continual watering to suppress dust.
  • Maintains structural integrity in high and low moisture environments.
  • Non slippery, non hazardous.
We are very proud to distribute this new revolutionary product in Australia. We will supply small quantities for small domestic situations through to larger volumes for major farm commercial problem areas. Available NOW in 25, 200 or 1000 litre IBC tanks.
dust relief
dust relief