(+61) 0437432823 (office)
(+61) 0437432823 (mobile)
PO Box 1002, Denmark, WA 6333
Winner Of Three Government Awards
Currently exporting to Cambodia, Malaysia, Singapore, India Fiji, NZ, UK.


Adam's apple cider vinegar
AJ Products adams apple cider vinegar is an award winning product, that is made for us in the Adelaide Hills, by fermenting windfall apples in French oak barrels. Our vinegar is a well known prebiotic water purfier and antibiotic, it is non pasteurized, so its literally alive and contains all the goodness and beneficial mother enzyme. 

We supply a rough animal grade vinegar to improve animal health and well being, and a gourmet food grade version for human consumption.

Apple Cider Vinegar

This is a rough orange/brown liquid, un-pasteurised. A rich source of potassium, vitamin A, B and E. Contains many minerals – these include calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, copper, sulphur, iron, zinc and manganese.