Our seaweed is particularly useful because it contains the four main growth hormones that have been found to be beneficial to grow all plants and crops. We have this product available as a liquid, flakes, granules, meals, powders and liquids all of which makes it a very versatile and easy to use product. Seaweed is one of the most nutrious plants known to mankind and can be fed to stock, crops and humans without difficulty. Please enquire and explain your requirements, for us to recommend the best solution for your application.
Generally, we recommend the following rates
Domestically – use 150ml to one standard watering can of water (6 to 8 litre) Can be applied around the root zone of the plant as well as a foliar spray over the leaves/stem/trunk/flower etc, best to use LOW applications of a REGULAR bases i.e., at the above rate every 7 to 14 days throughout the growing season. This is a natural organic product with a nil withholding period which means you can happily consume food after washing at any time.
Commercial—use at 6 to 12 litres per ha in up to 1000 litres of water
Best used alone, however mixing with most but not all pesticides etc is usually o.k.
AJ PRODUCTS recommend a small trial first, however we cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage caused by mixing this product.