Synergistic Consortium - full of bio available microbial digested nutrients and special probiotic bacteria strains with many beneficial uses, including:
Inoculum Biotikos (IB) is also a strong antioxidant, which reduces damaging free radicals in the body. IB is a superior probiotic because of the wide range of beneficial soil-based microbes, as opposed to dairy or other animal derived organisms. Being soil-based is important because those microbes break down minerals and nutrients in soil into particle sizes of just a few atoms each, so humans and animals can metabolize them a cellular level. These particle sizes of single atoms or just a few atoms clustered are the only sizes that can enter cell membranes and feed cells, especially important since most people these days have poor absorption from chemical toxicity and irradiation. Can be used externally as aftershave, hair conditioner, deodorant or on any body parts where microbial inoculation required. Keep free from eyes, as may cause irritation. Soil-based microbes are present in and on living plants growing in the ground and are a naturally-occurring nutrient delivery system for plants, and ultimately, the animals that eat them.